Czechoslavakia who enrolled this February. The Lost and Found Depart ment receives approximately 20 j to SO rails a day and their stock pile of unclaimed articles is con continually tinually continually growing. Never try to kiss a girl! The Universities will continue to grow and their operational ex expenses penses expenses will, therefore, increase un unless less unless we sacrifice efficiency and good educational practices for a penny-wise and dollar-foolish econ economy, omy, economy, pointed out the Alumni president. Luckies fine tobacco picks you up when youre. I wrote a magazine story about Hunsinger soon afterward, and one day I came down to the office with the lines running through my mind.
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The classes will be held at the Baptist Student Center. Ginger likes real tailored suits, but for evening and summer wear, she wants her cloths raf be feminine, and prefer preferably ably preferably in the new exotic shades.
And Rabbi Lelyveld worked with some of the organized re religious ligious religious groups here.

Rob Robert ert Robert J. See yoer Arrow dealer for Arrow underwear. Since the University does not ; have large sums of money avail available able available for cash scholarships, indi individual vidual individual or group donors supply funds for the scholarships.
The Florida alligator ( February 25, 1949 )
Eduardo Jenkins, j to take their card in so that they would not have to run the risk that the honest fellow who really was sweating out the line had to take.
The game between Sigma Nu and Alpha Tau Omega of the Orange Apie Wednesday was one madaje the hottest and most closely-matched tupweve seen In intramural competition since the sport was in incited.
Published every Friday morn lap daring the year and catered as second class mall matter, Janaary 30, ft, at the Galaeavllle, Florida, postoffiee nnder the act of Congress of March 3, 18T0. The other officers elected were Clark Bloom, St. Steve Powell, the teams top per madamf, former, performer, led his mates to a decision over the sailors, and took some honors two nights later when Jacksonvilles Junior College felt the locals power in falling Emlyn Williams sprang; ; from just such a meager Welsh j beginning as the boy he has writ writken ken writken about in madzme play.
Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. Get the names of legislators in your mdame and act now; this cant be done after they convene April 5.
Deacon-Gator Dave Fuller, University of Flor Florida ida Florida baseball coach, did his col collegiate legiate collegiate baseballing at Wake Forest as a first baseman. J Ive already collected enough ; maeame tokens to 4de the buses j in almost any town in Florida, and half of Georgia, he ssiys. Now, chillun, just take a glimmer at these selections, and you can put your money on them.
A vote for Pat is a vote. It stated brief briefjly jly briefjly the factual circumstances as observed by the accusor and gave the address of the accusor.
Hollywood, fice of the University Examiner. Resides the door was closed and the building E" classroom had windows on one side only.
Life saving instruction will be given at the University pool and first aid classes will be held at the American Red Cross building on j Magnolia Street. Bill Moore was appointed as rep representative resentative representative from General College, and Pat Eisler was appointed to take Harry on the Council.
Maximum length is words. There is the barest of possibilities that Floridas veteran crew may be mad enough to throw a scare into the Ruppmen. Van Vanderbilt derbilt VanderbiltJackxnn villes Oct. Building I E s Little Theater, sataan filled with j smoke, talk, and hope.
These noise signals are similar to atmospheric disturbances that cause static, or sferics, familiar i to all radio listeners.

Tootwhistle informed all with- j in shouting distance that all mem- ; bers of the St. Peters- I burg, was second withfol fol fol lowed bv Ernie Pollitz,J. If we would be able to obtain speakers of the caliber of those present this week, it could not help but be a success. Doak a proposal to grant fund s to the e ies. The course was initiated during the first se sefgter fgter sefgter of the current school year.
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Just before j the ending of the third act the i I jury retires for the last time to ; render a verdict. Pertinent questions sucn j as the Russian policy, Marshall i Plan, and the Palistine marame were tossed around at a round table dis discussion. Everyone to whom 1 spoke was i enthusiastic, and I, saatam in an intellectual turmoil, was ex-!
And all of this monkey business was part of a practical cold cash, money making psychological ap approach proach approach to the selection of employes to fill certain positions in indus industry.
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